Thursday, January 17, 2008

Respec Notes

So, the time has come to fix up my hunter’s build a little. No, this isn’t the great hunter experiment of 2007 where I run simultaneous runs with two different specs and all other variables held constant. That experiment has for the most part fallen by the wayside as I’m not that eager to go to Beast Master. Instead this is more in line with some things I knew I had done wrong when I first went to my build after hitting 70. This was only exacerbated by the post in mid-December by BRK about the (and I'm paraphrasing) dungbombs in the marksman tree. When I actually looked, I found I'd taken most of the dungbombs listed. Lest anyone think I'm a "bad hunter" and needed my shortcomings pointed out by BRK, I knew that I'd taken some less than optimal choices, but unless something is really broken, I quite often go back and fix it.

That said, I thought I'd share my personal philosophy on how to best respec. Here it comes another list.

  1. Determine why you are respeccing. Is it to change to a completely new build? Are you intending to take on another role within your class? Is it to make microscopic adjustments to your build? If you don't understand what you're trying to accomplish, how can you determine your success?
  2. Faithfully copy your build into an online talent calculator (like the one at Wowhead). Preferably this one should be something that can print a text version of your build. Double check and make sure you've copied your build exactly. Print this build.
  3. Reset the talent calculator and build your new proposed build. Print this too.
  4. Mark the two print-outs with labels. (I reccommend "OLD" and "NEW." Use whatever makes sense to you!)
  5. Cross out any skills that are in common between the two builds in every way. There is no net loss or gain from those skills between the two builds. They are the same in every way.
  6. Open your favorite word processing program (that supports tables) or spreadsheet program. Make the following columns: Skill, Old Effect, Old Rank, New Effect, New Rank, Net Effect, +/-, Weight.
  7. Using one line for each skill that's different begin filling in the table. When you get to the +/- column mark + for a new ability, - for an ability you lose on respec. Assign a weight from1-5 in the weight column.
  8. Add up the pluses and minuses. This tells me whether I should respec or not. That is if my assigned weight to the skill makes it "worth it."
That's it. Happy respec!


Anonymous said...

Your process is too time intensive, and not enuf EXPERIMINTATION, personal philosophy and experince is that thisngs may look good on paper, but not so good in practice. Whatever the reason: not your play style; the + aren't as good in the long run; its hard to do it all just on paper and then say im happy. I belive that experimentation (actually playing the new build on ur toon) is the best way to fin short comings in a new or old spec. Scince the old addage "you never know till you try " applies here i think that experimentation is a big part if not bigger that the research. Yes the research is crucial but not as improtant as the practice. So i guess in the end it my opinion as a person who heavily follows the scientific process. So remember Its just a hypothosis until you do the math then its a theory, only after its been tried and tested, with the desierd results is it TRUTH

Brehm said...

Granted, I never discussed playing the spec. I guess I ended my post too soon. In my defense, I'm only at the point of building what I think will be a good build. It will need to be fully tested. I would've mentioned that if I were at that point in my process. Apologies.

Unknown said...

So remember Its just a hypothosis until you do the math then its a theory, only after its been tried and tested, with the desierd results is it TRUTH
(emphasis mine)

I'm just going to play devils advocate and point out that science doesn't prove "Truths". It only disproves hypothesis.

But, you know, devil's advocate....