Not a major post today. I'm making a few updates to my recommended blogs and wanted to share that.
- BRK moved! No longer at blogspot, and no longer even using blogger, he's made the move to a custom domain and wordpress. Hope you find everything you packed in your hasty move, BRK.
- Kestrel once said, "You find the best blogs by reading comments in other blogs." I find this to be true and offer up Og's Ledger. It's all about the accounting.
- Since young master Bremmie was dinging in at 56, I'm finding myself drawn to more roguish content. Adding Doomilias to the blog roll. (Gah. With the number of AC blogs I read, maybe I should have just transferred to Drenden and joined them instead of /gquitting and staying where I was.)
AC is the shit, bitches.
(Of course my opinions are my own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of AC.)
thanks for the link! i must know which ui mod you are using that gives a very sleek organized feel to all your various other mods...
That's MazzleUI in action. Its a bit cobbled together just now as the original author/configuration expert is no longer playing WoW. But I've been using Mazzle for over a year now. And can't imagine playing without it.
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